Tim Babcock logo (Computer support since 1984)

Microsoft Section

This site will cover Microsoft devices and applications for home and personal applications (that means this website won't address Windows Server, Azure, Visual Studio, Sharepoint, BI, and SQL Server).

Microsoft Windows Support

Windows 8 will be discontinued shortly. Those who are running Windows should upgrade to Windows 8.1 if you haven't done so already

Microsoft 365

Paying $9.99/month for your family to use Microsoft 365 isn't such a bad idea. You can use Office applications on any web browser as well as use the stand alone applications on your Android, IOS, or Windows devices.

In addition your Microsoft Office allows you to backup your pictures and other files using the One Drive app. With your monthly fee, you can use One Drive to backup your photos after they are taken to the cloud service. If you use it properly, you may find that the extra money you paid for your phone isn't necessary and your picture can be viewed from other devices as well.

Details are available at the Microsoft Office website:


Association with Microsoft

This website operates on Microsoft operating systems and website applications. This website was stated at the same time the Microsoft developed many of the website applications and tools that are still in use today.

Support of Microsoft operating systems and software applications happened in 1984 when MS-SOS, Linux, and Microsoft Multiplan were in use.

Over the years, that support has continued with Windows, Microsoft 365, and cloud systems for personal and business purposes.

Through Wilfile, the company has develop Microsoft Access applications for small businesses using web sites, cloud servers, and stand alone applications for mobile devices using Microsoft database systems.

This website represents a long history of working with Microsoft as a customer, contracted employee, and partner but does have other commitments to other tech companies as well.